BIPOC Mental Health Providers’ Socials
Black, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander and all mental health providers of color have navigated a myriad of unique and shared experiences of racism, colorism, classism, ableism, and other manifestations of systemic oppression. These systems have actively worked to minimize our presence in the field, as well as our power within it. The success of these systems is evidenced in the pervasive and persistent isolation mental health providers of color experience within the profession.
Too often the lone person of color in the clinical practice or training space, and rarely supported by leadership that has relevant and comparable lived experience to draw upon, mental health providers of color are in acute need of community; a space to be both professionals and people together. A space where the words ‘we’ and ‘us’ applies completely.
The Oregon Heals Coalition has offered unwavering support of my vision, and together, we have created a monthly social event, for mental health providers of color in Oregon to gather, connect, and experience an understanding and supportive community that is otherwise lacking.
While these events are new and still evolving, and ideas for additional infrastructure and ways of connecting continue to percolate, we hope to welcome you (or a BIPOC MHP you know) to an event soon.
The BIPOC Mental Health Providers Socials are generally planned for the First Friday of the month, and shift between online, and in-person at venues that are either owned or operated by BIPOC community members whenever possible.

May 2024
Via Zoom so we can connect no matter where you are in Oregon.
Registration required to manage dual relationships.

The Oregon Heals Coalition
The Oregon Heals Coalition is a statewide policy and advocacy coalition led by APANO, Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN) and Family Forward Oregon (FFO). We formed this statewide mental health policy and advocacy coalition in 2021, following the beginning of a health-related pandemic that included a mental health crisis felt disproportionately by youth, caregivers, and communities of color. We hope to create and foster community partnerships as we execute our long term vision and goal