Rates & Policies
Individual Psychotherapy
$200 (and up) Per 50–60-minute sessions, or as individually agreed.
20% off hourly session rate when payment is received on the day of service.
30-minute, 45-minute & 75-minute sessions can happen by arrangement and, in particular circumstances, and are priced based on your hourly rate.
Full session fee for appointments canceled or rescheduled less than 24 hours in advance.
Payment is due at each session.
Credit/Debit Card/HSA/FSA billed through my online EHR/practice management tool. Checks are no longer accepted.
Fees are subject to review up to twice a year.
Insurance Billing
I am not contacted or “In-Network” with any insurance companies, and therefore do not bill any commercial insurance companies.
I offer Individual Psychotherapy to clients who can pay “out of pocket”. There are complex ethical, sociopolitical, & class-consciousness considerations baked into this decision. I’m happy to discuss this should there be a need.
Insurance Reimbursement
If you would like to submit your receipts to another insurance for reimbursement I can have my system send you monthly “superbills” which is what you’ll submit to them.
PLEASE NOTE: Choosing to do this grants rights to your insurance company to access your personal and confidential records. In the event that your insurance company requests those records I would be required by law to supply them with and without your permission: Of course, I would notify you, but refusal is not an option.
Low-Income availability
When I can, I offer a limited number of low-income slots. Feel free to inquire as to their availability if you are in need. If my practice cannot accommodate your financial needs, I will provide you will referral options.
My base schedule is Tuesday through Thursday, between the hours of 10 am and 4:30 pm.
I try to keep our appointments consistent. So, whenever possible, our sessions will happen at the same time on the same day each week. Bi-weekly sessions are options once there is sufficient resource in the therapeutic relationship and within the client themselves.
By inviting you to participate in therapy or coaching in my home office, I am inviting you into a different quality of therapeutic relationship, which requires the ability to respect certain boundaries. When you arrive at your appointment the front door will be locked.
Please ring the doorbell and I will be right there.
Please only use the front door. I may not hear you if you knock, so please ring the bell.
Please do not arrive for your appointment more than 5 minutes early. This is to ensure client confidentiality, as well as to allow for pre- and post-session business.
Coming to my home without a prior arrangement (such as an appointment) is never acceptable. If you’re unsure when your appointment is, please contact me to confirm.
If you are experiencing a crisis, please call me and we will work out a plan. This plan may include calling the Multnomah County crisis line for immediate care. Any breach of this boundary will severely jeopardize our ability to work together.
My furry, four-legged friend
I have one cat named Wallace, who is very friendly and frequently helpful in our sessions.
If you have allergies that would prohibit our work together, please consider your needs first.
As of April 3rd 2023, the Oregon Health Authority has lifted the mask mandate for most people in health care settings, which includes psychotherapy offices. While the declaration of the COVID-19 Health Emergency has officially been rescinded, we who are conscious of the continuing impact of climate crisis, are aware that similar public health emergencies are likely to become more common. With this in mind, the following policy is crafted to facilitate quality therapeutic work is conducted in balance with - and prioritization of - health and safety issues the emergence of which we cannot predict.
Risks of Opting for In-Person Services
You understand that by coming to the office, you are assuming the risk of exposure to COVID-19 or other public health risks. This risk may increase if you travel by public transportation, cab, or ridesharing service.
As my office is located within my home, my policies are in place to protect my clients, my guests, and of course, myself.
My Agreement and Pledge to you and your safety:
I will contact you if I am experiencing any symptoms associated with a communicable illness.
In the event that another person reports coming down with a communicable illness developed shortly after visiting my home, making both myself and my home potential vectors of exposure, I will contact you and we will move our session to telehealth whenever possible.
To work in-person in my practice you agree to adhere the following rules
Alert me as soon as possible if you are experiencing any symptoms associated with a communicable illness. Including, but not limited to; sneezing, coughing, fever, etc.
If you are experiencing any such symptoms and would like to proceed with your session, we will shift to a video-based telehealth session.
Following the OHA's suggestion, I am requiring unvaccinated clients to continue to mask for in-person sessions.
If you are or become immunocompromised and would like me to mask, please discuss this with me. I am happy to do this, AND depending on the nature of our work, it may be beneficial for us to explore creative solutions that would allow full-face visualization.
Please note that I may change the above precautions if additional local, state or federal orders or guidelines emerge. If that happens, we will talk about any necessary changes.
Clinical Supervision & Consultation
My standard rates are listed below. With that said, the financial burden on associates for supervision is real and potentially problematic - I’m happy to engage in conversations about making supervision costs less prohibitive for associates who are systematically disadvantaged in this field.
Please note that I have a 24-hour Cancellation policy - so if you need to reschedule or cancel a supervision session, please let me know at least 24 hours in advance.
For sessions canceled or rescheduled with less notice will be billed the full fee for the session that was scheduled.
I make exceptions for extenuating circumstances that are unpredictable, simply communicate with me within a reasonable amount of time.
Individual Supervision:
$160 for 60-minute sessions
$240 for 90-minute sessions
(or as agreed)Group Supervision:
$80 for 90-minute sessions
(or as agreed, groups of 3 minimum) -
As of April 3rd 2023, the Oregon Health Authority has lifted the mask mandate for most people in health care settings, which includes psychotherapy offices. While the declaration of the COVID-19 Health Emergency has officially been rescinded, we who are conscious of the continuing impact of climate crisis, are aware that similar public health emergencies are likely to become more common. With this in mind, the following policy is crafted to facilitate quality therapeutic work is conducted in balance with - and prioritization of - health and safety issues the emergence of which we cannot predict.
Risks of Opting for In-Person Services
You understand that by coming to the office, you are assuming the risk of exposure to COVID-19 or other public health risks. This risk may increase if you travel by public transportation, cab, or ridesharing service.
As my office is located within my home, my policies are in place to protect my clients, my guests, and of course, myself.
My Agreement and Pledge to you and your safety:
I will contact you if I am experiencing any symptoms associated with a communicable illness.
In the event that another person reports coming down with a communicable illness developed shortly after visiting my home, making both myself and my home potential vectors of exposure, I will contact you and we will move our session to telehealth whenever possible.
To work in-person in my practice you agree to adhere the following rules
Alert me as soon as possible if you are experiencing any symptoms associated with a communicable illness. Including, but not limited to; sneezing, coughing, fever, etc.
If you are experiencing any such symptoms and would like to proceed with your session, we will shift to a video-based telehealth session.
Following the OHA's suggestion, I am requiring unvaccinated clients to continue to mask for in-person sessions.
If you are or become immunocompromised and would like me to mask, please discuss this with me. I am happy to do this, AND depending on the nature of our work, it may be beneficial for us to explore creative solutions that would allow full-face visualization.
Please note that I may change the above precautions if additional local, state or federal orders or guidelines emerge. If that happens, we will talk about any necessary changes.
Please ring the doorbell and I will be right there.
Please only use the front door. I may not hear you if you knock, so please ring the bell.
Please do not arrive for your appointment more than 5 minutes early. This is to ensure client confidentiality, as well as to allow for pre- and post-session business.
Coming to my home without a prior arrangement (such as an appointment) is never acceptable. If you’re unsure when your appointment is, please contact me to confirm.
My furry, four-legged friend
I have one cat named Wallace, who is very friendly and frequently helpful in our sessions.
If you have allergies that would prohibit our work together, please consider your needs first.